Prepare Kerabuild® Eco Epobond either by hand or with a mechanical low-rev agitator by mixing component A with component B (preset ratio 1 : 1 in the bags) until a soft paste of uniform colour is obtained.
Work ability times may vary according to the density of the mixed paste and the temperature of the environment and substrate: the higher the temperature or the larger the mixture, the lower the work ability time.
Before applying Kerabuild® Eco Epobond, first brush or preferably sandblast the concrete substrate to roughen and clean it, removing any remaining dust, grease, oil or other contaminants until the substrate is clean and cohesive. Once all rust, oil and paint has been removed,cmetal surfaces must be prepared to St2 standard by first manually cleaning them or to Sa2 by mechanical cleaning (sandblasting) as specified in ISO 8501-1.
Kerabuild® Eco Epobond should be applied with a spreader. We recommend spreading Kerabuild Eco Epobond on both surfaces to be bonded, making sure the product penetrates well in more uneven parts of the substrate.
To strengthen cracked structures by first opening the crack using a flexible joint, removing any dust then injecting Kerabuild® Epofill under pressure into previously drilled injection holes. Subsequently, the crack can be filled with Kerabuild® Eco Epobond through injection tubes inserted into the same holes as before.
Residual traces of Kerabuild® Eco Epobond can be removed from tools with solvents (ethyl alcohol, toluol, xylene) before the product has hardened.